That was a very long day starting at 5 a.m. ending at 8p.pm about. The trip to New york wasn't bad driving in NY was a little crazy ,but that's a city for you there's always traffic. The first Museum we went to was the Whitney. An awesome museum the educator was really nice and had us thinking in depth of the paints. She gave us the advice of looking over the art then reading the title it can change you view on the painting. The first painting we saw was by William de Kooning and the piece was Woman and Bicycle. Personal I'm a de Kooning fan and i was very interested in this painting. At MoMA they actually had Woman I on display and it was very interesting to see both Museums having one of my favorite artist on display. Though at the Whitney there was a part of the gallery were there was a room with documents that were printed larger. I think the information the documents was educational and stuff America needs to know, but it's not art and should be else where. We left the Whitney and went to MoMa, i loved it there. They have tons of Picasso pieces i think they had more of him then anything else.
I was disappointed that the starry night painting was there but I may go back when hopefully it's back. The Monet Water Lilies is amazing i don't think I've even seen anything that big in my life. I love impressionism and the massive size was mind blowing.

After leaving MoMa the class went to St. Patrick's Cathedral. It was so beautiful. The wood work and rose windows were amazing. There were fly buttresses and the height of the Cathedral was ungodly. After that we went in group around the Rockefeller center area.. Those that found it.. then after that the bus picked us up and we all went home. That was a great trip and i learned a lot seeing all those pieces of art.

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